Академия наёмных убийц
В этом мире, тайные войны и заговоры приобрели особо важное значение. У каждого влиятельного человека есть свои связи с…

***Girl-girl, let me read your...(_( divination by narutowicza)_)(pictures)(LOTS of results)***

This quiz is about you and Narutowicza, Akatsuka, Pisanica...Find out!!!! Who's your betrothed-disguised ????Who made you a fortune???? In the course of this little history, you will learn all this...
Oh yeah...Almost forgot...Here's a link to my previous testik(I'm in it something replaced and added pictures)
694382 Your relationship with a character from "Naruto". What(whom) you can compare it to?)))(++picture++)))

All of my tests: http://3579bloom.beon.ru/24909-034-moi-testy.zhtml#e342921623

Start Test!