You invited friends. BEGINS(what are you choosing???) Корпорация "Секреты Аномалий"Аномалии - таинственные, не поддающиеся логикой и здравым смыслом вещи, существа и события. Они появились в связи с акт…Answers to the question:And we tag-dogonyalki play(or bivalacqua=)ha-ha)))**AUTHOR:yeah**We have a party for Ducati)))everything is so cute)talk)**AUTHOR of:how do you properly**Party by the pool**AUTHOR:Yes you are cool** Costume parade rabbits**AUTHOR:yeah...still the year of the rabbit**Went to a gay club**AUTHOR:utter shock**We are on a music festival))))) **AUTHOR:yo**We have all boys and I'm there) **AUTHOR:what are you doing?**Starts????????? We're through(in all senses)) **AUTHOR:how it all started**