Игра богов
Этот мир представляет из себя классический мир средневекового фэнтези, населённого множеством рас и государств. И у так…

Spin the bottle with Anime kawaii x))) (Edited version)))

The first creation of Mi-Chan aka Psycho x)

Notes to eliminate confusion:
*Not Pootie the neck of the bottle bottom! After all, if you choose (for example) that the bottom pointed to the BELPHEGOR, he did not fall =_=""
**The author of the crazy Byakuran and Gokudera, so in this test, no x)
People Have a conscience! Passed and 1,000 people, but unsubscribed 5... ==""

Coma here http://shichibi.beon.ru/18430-519-zapis-72.zhtml

Start Test!