Универ Экстрасенсов
В этом мире существуют духи и потусторонние силы, каждые из которых тревожат умы обычных людей. Они пугают, запутывают…

`Who are you from the middle ages?The vocaloids.+_+.24 option

Jester,scientist,artist,gentle Lord,an arrogant nobleman,General,Gypsy,the daughter of a merchant,a dancer(love this!>_<),a court lady,actress,knight,orange lady, white lady,Queen of the red earth,the daughter of a commoner,the Princess of the pink Kingdom,the Prince of the blue country,the Queen of the yellow country,librarian,Minister,the executioner,the nobleman or Queen of the emerald Kingdom.Who are you?
PS.Do not pay attention to the gender of your character that you will fall out)
My other test-http://beon.EN/test-tags/%ce%f2%20%ca%fc%b8%ea%e8/

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